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Across the country, actors, artists and performers have sounded the clarion call for theatres to be more diverse and inclusive towards Black Americans and People Of Color. Statements have been issued and pledges made by the corporate sector and theatre alike. But the work only BEGINS there. It must be followed up by committed ACTION!

On July 10, 2020 at 8pm EST, The Joy-Jackson Initiative, along with Black Theatre Girl Magic, will present a virtual Live Theatre Town Hall, streaming on the official Black Theatre Girl Magic Facebook page to bring theatre company leaders together to work towards creating a more inclusive and anti-racist culture.

Paramount to this initiative, is the ability for theatres to self-reflect and gauge where they are on the spectrum of equality. Participants in the town hall will take the Joy-Jackson Inclusion Preparedness Assessment prior to joining the scheduled Zoom conference. This assessment guides theatre companies through a series of questions to identify blind spots within their organization in regards to their inclusion of Black and Brown People. The Town Hall will assess, explore and dissect those results in an open and frank discussion about racial justice and how theatrical institutions can better serve their BIPOC (Black Indigenous People Of Color) artists, designers, and technicians. The event is open to all theatre leadership willing to participate in the assessment and contribute to healthy dialogue.

Black Theatre Girl Magic, founded by Mandi Jo John, seeks to change the landscape of the current theatre industry. The organization provides educational training to theatres, networking opportunities that bring artists together and practical support to jumpstart the careers of women of color.

The Joy-Jackson Initiative, founded by Gabrielle Jackson, aims to set a new industry standard for the American Theater and other arts organizations, wherein BIPOC artists, administrators, and audiences are truly valued, safe, and uplifted.

For More Information about the Live Town Hall, please contact Mandi Jo John at mandijo@blacktheatregirlmagic.org. To take the assessment and participate in the town hall, please visit www.joyjackson.org.

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